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This is a lovely idea to reuse,repurpose and recycle. I wish I had known this when my children were small, they always seemed to appreciate the little things (more their size!) Thank you for sharing.

Lucy Locket-Pocket

What a fantastic idea - I can see all three of my children (10,8 and 6) really enjoying doing this! Thank you!

Lucy x


Such a cute idea! I love this!


Such a cute idea! I love this!

Lil' d

Very cute - I haven't seen any small match boxes around here, like we used to get in the UK, though (I've only seen the cook's matches here). Are those all-white boxes ones you can purchase without the matches from somewhere? Thanks.

Angela Fehr

I don't have any matchboxes either, will have to put them on my shopping list - I hope the next craft you post will be something using homeless matches!


Very sweet, I'll have to have a play around. I might put some affirmations in one. Thanks! :)


what a great Idea :o)



I want to see Asher's story and Bella's sticker collection and Ana's jokes!


Love this idea! I'm going to have my kids make a little joke box for someone we know who could use some cheering up.


This is a really lovely idea - makes sending letters a whole lot more interesting when they're inside a match box!

Ann at mommysecrets

Very very cute! A fun way to put a little celebration in every day. :)




Love it. Very cute. Where do you buy your match boxes from?


These are so beautiful. I love tiny little things.


Loved this for be great for Vatcation bible school craft.Be nice to keep kids quite in church!
thank you so much for shaing this with us!


What a great idea! I will put this one into my to-do-craft-list :D


hooray! what a wonderful idea!


I have the same question as Gina. Where do you get your matchboxes? I have looked everywhere for empty, plain matchboxes and I can't find them. Thanks.

Having Fun at Home

What a fun idea! This post would be a perfect one to link up to "Twice the Fun Tuesday" at my site havingfunathomeblog.blogspot.com.

Twice the Fun is a weekly mr. linky about creative recycling that will start next Tuesday (Oct 14.) It would be great to see your post there!

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